The Basic Principles of Love

Every relationship be it marriage, friendship, or courtship thrives on some basic principles. The success of the relationship is based on these principles.
No one is perfect. The person you imagine to be better and more understanding than the person you are currently with does not exist in the way you idealize it. They have challenges and issues too probably ones you can’t even fathom.

Let us take a look at them in no particular order.

1. Communication

Communication is the backbone of every relationship. Through communication, you get to know one another. It’s the basic foundation upon which a relationship is built. Through this, you grow stronger, closer and your feelings for one another grows.

 2. Openness

After the free and frequent flow of communication comes openness. This is a very important factor as it can mar the relationship. A person who you communicate often with, you tend to tell such person more about you. You become free to tell such a person anything.

3. Honesty is key

You can’t build a relationship on lies and deceit. Your partner has to be confident in whatever you say or do.

4. Trust

Trust goes with honesty. When honesty is in place, trust automatically follows. I know some people have trust issues but the above traits will help groom that.

5. Companionship

Some couples can’t spend a whole day together gisting and playing. Let us put intimacy and phone aside, can you really spend time with each other…? 

6. Compatibility

You and your partner have to complement one another in many ways. You can’t date someone exactly as yourself, there’s likely to be a problem.

It’s important for every relationship to focus more on the above principles in order to achieve a healthy lasting relationship. 

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