Love in a Relationship

Love is a deep mutual expression of respect, trust, honesty, integrity, intimacy, chemistry and partnership. Love is a bond that goes deeper than attraction, lust or even friendship.

True Love is the kind of love that many may chase after but is as elusive as a butterfly, it takes time to bloom. You are filled with happiness just watching your special person smile or laugh out loud even though you are having a bad day. When you truly love your partner, you see them as part of your life and your future, you are just willing to help in difficult times, willing to suffer to see them happy. Your plans always include them.

When trying to figure out love, it is also important to consider the fact that we all have different ways of giving and receiving love. A major part of being in a successful and healthy relationship is being aware of how you and your partner express love,  making adjustments to your love languages when necessary.

Love is a catalyst for change in your life for the better, our love for the other person enables us to act morally and ethically, both with them and in our community. Our partner’s presence in our life makes us want to be a better person so that they will always continue to admire us. There’s no feeling of jealousy or competitiveness, just pure pleasure at seeing our partner succeeds. 

One factor that defines true love is trust, it doesn’t matter how much you love the other person, if you can’t trust them, it is not going to work. Trust is essential for healthy relationships, which is why it is always one of the things we have to look out when assessing a relationship. Without trust, you’ll live a life of stress and hurt, so you might want to ask yourself, do I really want to spend my life worrying about my partner and our relationship.

Another factor is communication. Like fuel is for a car to move, so is communication in a relationship, which is why there can’t be real lasting love without communication. You need communication to set boundaries, express your love, problems, and talk about your needs and wants. An author, Dubrow once said, “a relationship can start to crumble when a couple gets caught up in misunderstandings, avoids certain tough topics, or focuses more on one problem in their relationship, thus leading to cyclical arguments. That in turn, can lead to frustration and resentment.”

You can have all the love in the world, but good communication is going to be what you need for a lasting relationship.

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