5 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself and your abilities. It can be high, low or somewhere in the middle. While everyone occasionally has doubts about themselves, low self-esteem can leave you feeling insecure and unmotivated.

Having self-esteem can help transform your life. Here are 5 ways you can boost your self-esteem.

1. Use positive declarations.

Positive declarations have to do with thinking positive and saying great things about yourself. You know the popular saying that says what you think about yourself is very important because that’s what drives your action. Saying you will be great, or you can achieve a dream is a declaration and it can really transform your life.

2. Identify what you’re good at.

Self-esteem develops when you demonstrate real ability and accomplishments in the areas of your lives that matter to you. If you’re good at speaking, get some professional help to help you master it. 
Figure out your core skills and talents and build a fortune with opportunities that help you showcase them.

3. Don’t criticize yourself.

Don’t criticise yourself when you’re already down.

Don’t believe your negative self-talk no matter how convincing and true it seems. Ignore your negative thoughts and give your full attention to what you are doing at the time. Or reflect on whether your thoughts are true, realistic and appropriate to the occasion.

No one is perfect and just like everyone else you are not perfect. Accept that you can make mistakes. Look at the bigger picture. People often hide and pretend, nobody is without flaws and faults.

4. Always remind yourself of your worth.

You have a worth and you must understand this. Keep reminding yourself and work towards building up self-esteem. It requires a bit of work, but the return is priceless if you do it correctly. 

5. Acknowledge your achievements.

Celebrate your wins. Be real about your achievements, it helps boost your self-esteem. Look at the different areas of your life: family,  environment, friends,  relationships, career, health, finances and personal growth. Each day, ask yourself the areas you’ve made progress, what you have achieved and write them down. Even the smallest steps count. If you have a goal or vision for yourself and your life, register even minute steps in their direction and you will be amazed.


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