The Power of Love

Love is more than a mere feeling of emotions. It touches the soul, the heart, body and mind. Love is very significant in life and our existence.
There is no greater power than love! Love has the ability to heal the world. Love is pure,  decent, innocent and true. Everything seems fun and effortless with love.

When the energy of love takes hold of you, it’s difficult to resist. It has the capacity to heal old wounds and cleanse you of any negativity.
Love can be in numerous forms. There’s the love we feel and show to our family, friend, and our partner. 

There’s the love you show to yourself. It makes you aware of the things you need to grow. Once we are aware, we are able to look inside of ourselves, cultivate love and learn to accept ourselves.
Imagine a world where people love themselves and others for who they are. 

Imagine that people genuinely love each other, they will be kind to each other, they’ll touch each other with their hearts, their words, with their generosity of spirit.

Love is who we are. It is our state of being, and anything else is fear. When we partner up with love, our lives begin to magically transform in ways we could never dream off. When we give ourselves permission to do what we love and be who we love to be, we become free to be our true selves.
And not only to ourselves, but we also make people feel loved and in turn, they, extend the act of love to others.

Love is a very powerful force that when it is shared between two people, there will be understanding, maturity, enough to be open about issues.
Show love to everyone and everything all the time and be genuine.

Forgive those who have put you down. Once our heart is filled with the light of love, we will be enlightened enough to unlock the secret of a peaceful life and a peace-filled world. Let us embrace this magical light of love with open arms


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