Let’s Discuss Love

LOVE they say is an entity with many descriptions. Love is like an oil spill from the top (probably the source). It can also be likened to a spring of water. The flow is continuous from the source, from afar this water forms a height of spring water. When this water gets to the ground it forms a stream with a depth of water.

At a point, this water reaches a delta where it departs. Despite this departure, it still returns to where it comes from. From this return, it breaks away and gets separated by rocks and other debris in the stream. Despite being apart it still moves on and flows endlessly. It is, therefore, wrong to think you can take back your love from anyone. If you don’t have this supply of love, you, therefore, can’t give it.

For true love to abound, it would have passed through several life experiences which is the height of love. This means that despite how life treats you, you still choose to be kind and caring. The depth of love, therefore, means that there are reasons to dislike and hate people but you just cover all guilt.

There’s a saying that in love there is no offence. What happens to the offence? They get covered up. Even if partners are apart from each other as personality or individually, true love will always bring them together. Even if they’re distant from themselves, true love will find a way and will always bring them back to each other. 

It is only true love that will make you stay true to your partner in distress, in pain, in shame, in troubles, in their sickness and even in the odds of life. It’s a pity that true love has been reduced to mere feelings. Love is never a feeling. Love is an unconditional decision to be available, to care of someone or people.

Ask yourself, do you truly love that person you claim you love? Will their secret be safe with you? Will you get to any height just to make sure they are fine? Surely you may ask me why do some people give love and don’t get it in return? The truth is that no one can give what they don’t have.

A partner who was raised in a home where nothing romantic or love related is expressed will believe love is not necessary. We can, therefore, help people who find it hard to love. How can we do this? Show them, love, tell them the importance of loving and teach them how to express true love.

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